origin and system

India is the birthplace of the chakra system, more frequently recognised and supported through Yoga practice. Chakra is a sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex, and there are seven major chakras in the human energy body, each associated with its own body part, colour vibration, healing crystal, and life aspect:   

7 - Crown (sahasrara) Top of head, purple, enlightenment - I am

6 - Third Eye (ajina) Forehead, indigo, intuition - I see

5 - Throat (vishuddha) Throat, blue, communication - I speak

4 - Heart (anahata) Chest centre, green, compassion - I love

3 - Solar Plexus (manipura) Solar plexus, yellow, purpose - I can

2 - Sacral (svadhisthara) Navel, orange, emotions - I feel

1 - Root (muladhara) Base of spine, red, grounding - I have     

Chakras are key to our body’s energy system because they are closely connected to our physical health, as each is specifically linked to the associated body part. When Reiki is given over the chakra location, the healing is more easily absorbed as this is where the life force energy flows. An alignment of healthy, balanced and fully opened chakras, is the fullest expression of  mind body wellbeing.

healing crystals

The great ancient civilisations have always been drawn to the beauty and healing qualities of crystals, the Egyptians revered the Lapis Lazuli for its deep blue brilliance, a connection to Heaven. Chinese dynasties had a penchant for Jade which still resonates today. Each chakra, with its associated colour, is enhanced during healing with the correlating stone and its unique energy vibration:

7 - Crown (clear quartz, amethyst)

6 - Third Eye (lapis lazuli, labradorite)

5 - Throat (turquoise, aquamarine)

4 - Heart (malachite, rose quartz)

3 - Solar Plexus (amber, citrine)

2 - Sacral (carnelian, tigers eye)

1 - Root (red jasper, hematite)